Virtual and In-Person Hearings

There are two types of refugee hearings: virtual (online) and in-person.

Virtual Hearings

A virtual hearing is a videoconference on a computer. Everyone appears on a computer screen using Microsoft Teams.

You or your legal representative will get a Notice to Appear letter after the IRB-RPD sets a date and time. Read this notice carefully because it explains what to do for a virtual hearing.

You need:

  • Reliable, secure, high-speed internet
  • A computer or tablet 
  • A quiet and private space

If you do not have a computer or tablet or internet, ask the IRB-RPD for help. The IRB-RPD can give you a computer or tablet to use in person at their office. Ask the IRB-RPD in your region by phone, email, or mail. You must contact them at least ten working days before your hearing.

About five days before the hearing, the IRB-RPD will send your legal representative a link for the videoconference. They will share this link with you. If you have no legal representative, the IRB-RPD will email the link to you. Make sure the IRB-RPD has your correct email address, telephone number, and mailing address.

On the day of your virtual hearing you will be asked to join the online meeting link 15 minutes before the start of your hearing. This will give you a chance to make sure your internet connection is working, check in with an IRB-RPD staff person, and speak with the IRB interpreter to make sure you understand each other. When the Member joins the hearing they will speak with you and ask you to confirm that you are alone and in a private place. If you have any problems seeing or hearing in the online meeting, let the Member know. 

If you do not want a virtual hearing

All refugee hearings are scheduled as virtual, but may be changed to in-person.

If there is a reason why you do not want a virtual hearing, you or your legal representative can ask the IRB-RPD to change it to in-person. You must fill out this form and send it in at least ten days before your hearing. You must say why you would like or require an in-person hearing.

In-Person Hearings

An in-person hearing is at the IRB-RPD office. Everyone is in the room together.

You will only have an in-person hearing if the IRB-RPD decides your hearing should be in-person or you request an in-person hearing and the IRB-RPD approves.

In-person hearings take place at the IRB-RPD office. You or your legal representative will get a Notice to Appear letter after the IRB-RPD sets a date and time. The Notice to Appear gives you the address where your hearing will happen. Read this notice carefully because it explains what to do.

On the day of your in-person hearing, make sure you arrive at least 15-30 minutes early. This gives you time to find the hearing room. You may be asked to wait in a waiting room until the hearing room is ready. Before your hearing starts you should speak with the interpreter to make sure you understand each other, use the washroom, and get yourself organized. If you have observers or witnesses, they should arrive at least 15 minutes before the hearing.