Take Action: Learn, connect, and prepare

Learn tips for how to navigate the refugee process. Get good information. Stay connected to community resources. Be prepared for each step.

Start your Refugee Claim

This section gives you an overview of how the refugee claim starts. It answers basic questions. It orients you to start your claim.

Get detailed information on how to start your refugee claim in Section 4 – Start Your Refugee Claim.

Common questions

You can start your refugee claim when you arrive in Canada or once you are already in Canada. You may have many questions:

  • How do I start my refugee claim?
  • How long will the process take?
  • What happens if my claim is refused?
  • When will I be reunited with my family?
  • How do I get help?
  • Will my story be believed?

Do not worry! There are many people who can help you through the steps. Return to this website to help you anywhere along the way.

Be aware of your options

Do research and get legal advice before you start your claim. Make sure that a refugee claim is the best option for you. Understand how this decision may affect your future.

Slow down

Slow down and take your time doing your BOC Form. The BOC is very important and you may have to talk about it at your hearing. The BOC must include all the important events in your life that show you are a refugee. 

Take care of yourself

Making a refugee claim is hard work. Take things one step at a time. Remember to take care of yourself.

Stay organized

You will get many papers and documents during your refugee claim process. A file folder with several sections keeps your documents organized. Get one if you can, and start using it.

Make copies and keep your paperwork safe

Keep government paperwork and documents, even if they are expired. Sometimes you or your legal representative will need them.

Prepare for your eligibility interview

Prepare before you tell your story at your eligibility interview. It is important that your story remains consistent throughout your claim. If you make a mistake or leave something out, talk about it with your legal representative. Keep copies of all the documents you receive from the government about your refugee claim.

Tell your story

You may have to tell your story many times to different people. They could be CBSA officers, IRCC officers, your legal representative, and the IRB-RPD Member at your hearing. This may make you feel nervous. Do your best to be honest and truthful about your story. Try to ensure your story is as consistent as possible.

Advice from friends and relatives

Legal advice should be from your legal representative. Even advice from family and friends who made refugee claims may not be right for you. Sometimes people who try to help do not have enough experience. Each refugee claim is different. If you do not have a legal representative, find a settlement worker you can trust for information.

Prepare Your Information

This section gives you an overview about preparing information for your claim. It gives you ideas for important evidence to support your story.  It explains how to manage and share your important information.

Learn more about evidence and supporting documents in Section 5: Prepare for Your Hearing.

Write down your story

It is helpful to write down the story of what happened to you and why you are afraid to return to your country. Organize your story chronologically, from the beginning to the end, and include as many dates as possible. This can help you identify important evidence for your claim. Ensure you include every relevant detail and do not omit any important information. The IRB-RPD may disapprove if you withhold information or introduce new details at your hearing.

Gather your evidence

It is important to gather evidence to support your claim. Evidence helps the IRB-RPD believe what happened to you, and understand the situation in your country and why you cannot return.

Some examples of evidence you can gather are:

  • Documents that prove who you are
  • Evidence that shows what happened to you is true
  • Documents or news reports that show what it is like in your country and why you are at risk there
  • Letters or legal documents (affidavits) from people who can say your story is true
  • Reports showing that you asked a government agency in your country for help

Try to get anything you need from your home country (your country or where you usually lived) as soon as possible. Getting police or hospital reports can take a long time. If you cannot get something, keep a record of how you tried to get it.

Review your documents and evidence

It is important to read through all your evidence and documents to look for mistakes. Someone may write a letter of support for you that does not match the information in your BOC Form. You may need to talk to the writer so you can explain at your hearing. Talk to your legal representative about what to do. It is very important that the IRB-RPD believes all the important parts of your story.

Translate all documents

All evidence must be translated into English or French. This takes time so do it as soon as possible. Check with your legal representative about what you need to get translated.

Keep a copy of all your documents

Keep photocopies of all your documents:

  • Your BOC and other immigration forms
  • Your narrative
  • All evidence, applications, and letters that you or your legal representative give to the IRB, CBSA or IRCC
  • Any letters, documents, or appointment notices that the IRB, CBSA, or IRCC send to you

Get a file folder to keep your documents organized and safe. Keep your documents until you become a Canadian citizen.

Update your address

Always keep your address updated. This is important so you do not miss any information about your claim.

Work with Your Lawyer or Other Legal Representative

This section gives you an overview about legal representation in the refugee claim process. It helps you understand your responsibilities and how to work with your legal representative.

Learn detailed information about legal representation in Section 3 – Get Legal Representation.

Be honest

Be open and honest with your legal representative. It will be difficult for them to help you if you hide information. They are your guide.

Be prepared

Prepare before every meeting with your legal representative. You may want to email them questions first or make a list of questions to take to the meeting. This will help you use your time well.

This is your refugee claim

Remember that this is YOUR claim for refugee protection. Even if you have a legal representative, you should be involved in all the steps before your hearing. Keep track of the deadlines. If you miss one, the IRB may say that you have abandoned your claim.

Take control of what you can. Make sure you understand the process. This will make you more comfortable with what happens.

Waiting Period

This section gives you useful ideas about how to use your time well, especially when you are waiting for your refugee hearing. 

Be patient

Waiting is a normal part of making a refugee claim. You might have to wait to have your hearing or wait to learn if your claim is accepted.

Get ready

Use the waiting period to get ready for your hearing:

  • Attend a Hearing Ready Tour with the IRB-RPD. You will learn how to prepare for your hearing and what happens at the hearing. You will also get to meet IRB staff and ask questions about the hearing.
  • Look over your BOC form, your narrative, and the evidence you sent in. 
  • Look for any information that does not match in your BOC, narrative, interview notes, evidence and other documents (including overseas visa applications). Tell your legal representative. You may want to send changes to the IRB-RPD.
  • Keep up on the news from your country. If something happens that is related to your claim, tell your legal representative.

Get settled

Use any waiting time to settle yourself and family members. You can:

  • Improve your English or French
  • Find a job
  • Stay physically active
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Join a newcomer group
  • Get to know your neighbours

Get the Support You Need

This section gives you high-level information and tips to connect to helpful supports during your refugee claim process.

Get detailed information about Community Resources near you.

Settlement agencies

Connect to a settlement agency or other community services for help. They can help you look for a job, get a home, find language classes, sign up your children for school, and learn about free services for refugee claimants.

Interim Federal Health Program

As a refugee claimant, you can get health care from the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) including:

  • hospital services,
  • services from health-care professionals,
  • vision and urgent dental care, and
  • prescription drugs.

This continues until you can get regular health insurance or until you have to leave Canada.

Get mental health support

You may feel stressed during the refugee claimant process. You may also have experienced trauma in your home country, during your journey to Canada, or here in Canada. There are services in Canada that may be helpful for you. The IFHP provides some help for this.

Make new friends

Try to meet other refugee claimants or newcomers. It can be helpful to share your experience with other people who are going through a similar situation. Make new friends and keep in touch with your family and friends back home if you can.

Your Hearing Day

This section gives you high-level information and tips to help you prepare for your refugee hearing.

Get detailed information in Section 6 – At Your Hearing.

Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself the day before your hearing (for example, make sure you get enough sleep).

Expect questions

Be ready to answer questions about your claim. For example, you may be asked why you did not make your inland claim earlier than you did.

Members are people too

The Member at the IRB-RPD decides your claim. Each Member is different, each claim is different, but every decision should be fair.

Ask for breaks

It is normal to feel nervous or emotional during your hearing. If you feel upset you can ask to take a break. The Member is trained to understand that talking about your situation may be difficult.

Answer questions directly

Be honest when answering questions during your hearing. Never make up an answer. If you do not know something, or you are unsure, say so.

If you don’t understand a question, don’t try to answer it. Tell the Member you don’t understand and ask them to say it a different way.

Work with an interpreter

The IRB-RPD will get you a free professional interpreter in your language and dialect for your hearing. Even if you understand English or French, it is a good idea to have an interpreter to avoid mistakes. The interpreter makes sure that everyone in your hearing understands each other clearly. Before your hearing starts, speak with your interpreter to make sure that you understand each other well. If you don’t understand the interpreter, or you notice the interpreter make a mistake, tell the Member immediately. When you talk during the hearing, speak in short phrases for the interpreter.

Virtual hearings

Most refugee hearings are virtual (videoconference) hearings. You will need:

  • Reliable, secure, high-speed internet 
  • A computer, tablet, or device with a working camera
  • A quiet and private space

If your hearing is scheduled as a videoconference but you don’t have a private space or a computer you can use, you can ask the IRB-RPD to use a computer and room at their office. You can also ask IRB-RPD for an in-person hearing if you feel this would be better for you.

After Your Hearing

This section gives you high-level information and tips about what happens after your hearing.

Whether you get a positive or negative decision, you can get detailed information for next steps in Section 7 – After Your Hearing.

The decision

The Member may decide about your claim at the end of your hearing. Or they may say they will send you their decision in the mail. This can be stressful, but it does not mean you are more likely to be refused.

If you are refused

There are legal options if your claim is refused. Talk to your legal representative.

Apply to be a permanent resident

If your refugee claim is accepted, apply right away for permanent residency. Do this for yourself and your family members. If you delay, you may have problems such as having to renew your work permit. Remember, if you get refugee protection, you cannot go back to your home country. If you do, the government may send your claim back to the IRB-RPD for another hearing.